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Make an Interactive App


Write an app that accepts input, processes it somehow, and shows output; the app should also make use of an array.

What you'll need to begin

Success criteria and exemplar


You must use source control and commit reguarly, as shown here.

No student work will be accepted without the use of source control as illustrated here – no exceptions.

  1. You have made a rough plan where you sketch out the interface, showing where input fields, controls, and output text areas will exist.

    Be sure to identify what type of structures will be used: VStack, HStack, ZStack, Slider, TextField, et cetera.

    Post a photo of this plan to Spaces before continuing to step 2.

  2. Create a new project and organize it by adding a Model and Views group and deleting ContentView.

  3. Create a static layout.

  4. Bit by bit, convert the static layout to an interactive page that accepts user input.

  5. Bit by bit, add computed properties, as needed, to process the input.

  6. Bit by bit, add computed properties, as needed, to format and then show the output.

  7. Make use of an array (possibly to show a history of calculations).

  8. Where possible, use abstraction to elminate repetitive code.

Progress and due date

The task is due by the end of our class next Thursday, February 9, 2022.

This is a firm deadline as we are at the end of the current module and report cards will be written immediately after the module ends.

Prior to the deadline, on Spaces :


Your work is not considered as handed in until the GitHub remote has been shared and you have committed and pushed all your work.

Learning goals

Successful completion of this task is great evidence for these learning goals: