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Thread 1, Day 12 - Tuesday, November 8, 2022


  1. SwiftUI: Composition of Views Using Custom Structures
    • Remember D.R.Y. ?
      • Don't repeat yourself.
    • We can write our own structures that conform to the View protocol.
      • These custom structures build upon the structures like VStack, HStack, ScrollView, et cetera that are provided by Apple through the SwiftUI framework.
      • By using custom structures, we avoid having to make repetitive changes to our code.
      • As well, the overall number of lines of code that it takes to write an app is much lower.
  2. Exercise: Improving the List View in FavouriteThings
    • Currently, the list view looks like this:
      Screen Shot 2022-11-06 at 11.05.42 AM.png|200
    • NavigationLink labels can show any view, not just a Text view.
    • Using your new knowledge from yesterday's class about how to combine VStack and HStack structures, and from today's class about how to create a new custom structure, modify your project so that the list view looks like this instead:
      Screen Shot 2022-11-06 at 11.03.53 AM.png|200

    To re-use existing images in your app and show a smaller square thumbnail, the view modifiers shown here will do the trick:
    Screen Shot 2022-11-06 at 11.11.14 AM.png|400

To-do items

Before our next class...