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Thread 1, Day 10 - Friday, November 4, 2022


  1. Initial Portfolio Reviews
    • Mr. Gordon will meet privately with each student in the hall to review portfolios.
    • While that occurs, please complete the other three agenda items for this class.
      • You are encouraged to work in pairs as desired – but be sure that each person understands the concepts at hand.
      • Take notes in your black hardcover book, as needed.
  2. Source Control
    • Pushing content to the "cloud"
  3. Task: Geometric Figures
    • Write a structure that models a 2D shape or 3D figure
  4. Find an app that you like and tell the class about it
    • Do you have an app that you use daily?
    • If not, what is something that you need to do often? Can you find an app for that?
    • In a post to the shared class space on Spaces, please:
      Screen Shot 2022-11-04 at 5.55.57 AM.png|200
      • Post multiple screenshots of that app
      • Explain why you use it so often, or, why you feel it is a well designed app

      For this task, please avoid the "big" apps like Snapchat, Instagram, et cetera .

To-do items

Before our next class, be sure you have...