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Learning Goals

Here are the learning goals for Grade 11 Introduction to Computer Science (ICS3Ue, pre-AP).

For all learning goals, we will engage in further discussion.

Exemplars of suitable evidence for each learning goal will be shared as the course unfolds.


I can identify and correct both logical errors and syntax errors in my code.
Ontario: A4 / AP CSP: 4


I can use source control to organize and describe improvements made in my projects.
Ontario: A4 / AP CSP: 6


I understand data types (including simple types and collection types) and know when to use them as variables or constants in my programs.
Ontario: A1 / AP CSP: 3


I can design and implement algorithms using control structures to obtain desired results in my programs.
Ontario: A2, B3 / AP CSP: 2


I understand the concept of abstraction and can apply it to reduce code duplication and make program maintenance easier.
Ontario: A3, B2 / AP CSP: 3


I can apply Agile software development principles to design and deliver solutions to authentic problems for an external audience.
Ontario: B1, B4 / AP CSP: 1, 6


I am proficient at using my computer to organize local files and can use the features of Xcode to, among other things, debug logical errors and access developer documentation.
Ontario: C2, C3 / AP CSP: 4


I can identify computer components and make recommendations for hardware purchases based upon a user’s stated requirements and a manufacturer’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
Ontario: C1, D1 / AP CSP: 5


I can describe a computing innovation (in artificial intelligence, cryptography, augmented reality, or other areas), comment upon legal and ethical implications, and consider more generally the social impacts of computing.
Ontario: D2 / AP CSP: 5


I can maintain a public-facing portfolio of my work in this class to facilitate applications to post-secondary programs of study and summer employment.
Ontario: D3